Tuesday, December 3 - 7:00 PM - Snow Canyon High Main Gym
Green and Gold Night is our night to shine. We will feature multiple wrestle-offs to determine the 2019/2020 Snow Canyon Warrior varsity team. We'll also feature alumni matches with three, one-minute rounds. Friends and family will be able to buy points for their favorite alumni wrestlers. In addition, we'll have several silent auction items for bid. Don't miss this event. It's too much fun. Admission is free, but keep in mind that it is a fundraiser. So come and cheer on your favorites, but loosen up those purse strings. Our goal is to raise $2,500 which will go a long ways toward covering the costs of our season. Featured Varsity Wrestle-Offs 113 - Edgar Rentaria vs Brannon Wilson 132 - TBD 138 - Hunter Harris vs Kaden White 145 - Jace Lang vs Xavier Yazzie 152 - Ian Shakespeare vs Tavin Shurtliff 160 - Branson Averett vs Daxton Edwards 170 - TBD 182 - Beau Miller vs Vincent Threlfall 195 - Breccan Fisher vs Matt Rodgers Featured Alumni Matches **Remember, you can buy points for your favorite wrestler. $1 = 1 point Reese Jones (2018) vs Colton Davis (2017) Seth Rodgers(2017) vs Kody Hafen (2016) Tagan Johnson (2013) vs Tanner Wilde (2018) Christian Case (2017) vs Jacob Riley (2015) Levi Bishop (2015) vs Milo Cox (2014) Tanner Nelson (2017) vs Tanner Mitchell (2014) Weston Jeppson (2017 vs Ritchie Rentaria (2016) Joe Howard (2012) vs Curtis Bulloch (2012)
Advice to Moms New to Wrestling!
*Disclaimer... We are unsure of the source/author of this post. It was shared on facebook by Andie Paulson Smith (the mother of one of our wrestlers). • Don't laugh the first time you see your son in a singlet. • Don't make plans from November 1st through mid February. You'll either be at a match, at a tournament, driving someone somewhere, washing smelly, sweat-soaked clothes, nagging your kid to eat, or selling something. • Yes, it does cost $100 for shoes that never leave the gym. • You will save on grocery bills during the wrestling season, but the day season ends have the fridge and pantry stocked. You r child (who counted fluid ounces for months) will eat non-stop for about 72 hours, until his cheekbones disappear again. • Don't bother the coaches during a match (they're a little high strung). When they come to you after the match, it's not to talk about your wrestler, they just need aspirin or Rolaids. • Be prepared... tournaments run from sunup to sundown. Don't expect to see the light of day. Bring a cushion to sit on, a book to read, and some snacks. (You might want to hide the snacks... a few wrestlers can devour a package of cookies in nanoseconds.) • Don't ask me why a fungus is called a worm, but stock up on Tinactin, and make sure your child realizes that jumping in the pool does not count as a shower. • When you are out in public with your son, whose face is covered with bruises, don't bother trying to explain to strangers that you didn't put them there. • I'm not sure who is in charge of weigh-ins, but your child will always have to wrestle someone who is a foot taller and about 10-15 lbs. heavier (and growls). It's a fact. • If your son is in a headlock, his face is turning purple and he is mouthing the words "I can't breathe", don't run out on the mat... the referee will notice eventually. • Sit with other moms... it helps to join hands when a mom wants to run out on the mat for an injury... or to attack an official. • There are a lot of ways wrestlers get points, but even after 10 years I still don't understand how a wrestler gets called for stalling when he is losing. • As a mother, you will never understand how our gentle, sweet child could possibly love to wrestle... to be stretched and twisted in ways nature never intended... but he does. So be happy when he wins, supportive when he loses, and always have the camcorder batteries charged! SHARE this important message!!! |
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SC Warrior Wrestling Team Mission Statement
February 2025