Stinson’s Tilting toWin Wrist Tilt Series Coach Herb Stinson put on a Wrestling Clinic for us this Summer. Here are the highlights… Stinson’s Tilting to Win Wrist Tilt series
Pinching: (wrist control) Pinching to stop the standup Crowd him as much as possible. Drilling Proper tilting in up base position (drill dive tilt) drill only (key! Wrist control and head down inside) (hips tight to a body cradle) *Proper tilting in up base position (wrist tilt) (key! Wrist control elbow and head down inside. Hips tight to the body, elbow and knee together) *Proper tilting in flat position (reverse lift wrist tilt) (key! Wrist control, control elbow, step over knee @ the hip, outside foot under knee lift into position Hips in, elbow and knee together) *Proper tilting in the short sit position (sit wrist tilt) (Key! Wrist control, sit under elbow inside roll over) *Proper tilting in the standing position (standing spiral wrist tilt) (Key! Wrist control, control elbow inside hip out in front and up to ceiling, run hard and pull down Into your lap, elbow and knee together) Front way & back way take what he gives you. Key to learning this tilt series is drill drill drill drill!!!! Don’t force a tilt; rather load it and dig hard with your feet and hips ******************Clinician************* Coach Herb Stinson Past Head Coach Aztec New Mexico 1978-2000 Past Head Coach Bayfield, Colorado 2000-2012 presently back at Aztec High School 40 years of Coaching experience 12 State Championship Teams, 8 Nationally Ranked Teams 65 Individual State Champions , National Coach of the Year 1991, 1995, 2000 Inducted into 3 Hall of Honors, Southern Utah University Graduate
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February 2025