Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session X
Thursday June 9, 2016 1 p.m. - Session X - Clinician Erkin Tadzhimetov (in 8th year as a coach at UVU. While in Uzbekistan, Erkin was a 9 time National Champion and a 3x Junior World place winner. He is currently one of the National Development coaches for USA Utah Wrestling). Warm up & Dynamic Stretching Review Moving on bottom-hand fighting-set up a shot, but no finishes yet, this time finish any shot. COUNTER OFFENSE -Opponents is in on a high single up on feet... -Whizzer and grab other arm at the elbow (roll it out away from his body) -Hip in and lift with both hands as you force trapped leg down and away. *If he's too strong and won't let go... Elevator Toss -Secure Whizzer -Free hand reaches between own legs and grabs his wrist (Looks like a 2-on-1 with your leg trapped) -Place your trapped leg between opponent's legs -Jump so that free leg splits his feet (slightly in front and have your foot pointed straight between his feet) -Head should drop under his face -Squat and let your bodyweight pull you both down -Kick between his legs with your trapped leg as you go down -Toss him over your trapped-leg side shoulder Donkey Kick -Same grip as just described -Keep your head up this time -Jump free leg away from his lock and land facing same direction (hip to hip) -Donkey Kick between his legs, tossing him to his back. Pile Driver (haha, not the illegal Fake Wrestling Move!) -If he won't let go and his head is down tight inside your thigh... -Trapped-leg side whizzer hand reaches under his waist -Free hand pushes head down as free leg steps over to pinch his head between your thights. -Free hand then grips around far hamstring -Sit and toss him over your trapped-leg side. -Same side arm releases waist and posts after you land so you can square your hips down and pressure in. -Finish and settle in for backpoints or the fall. Single Leg Counter from the mat -Laces down and extend that leg -Whizzer on trapped leg side (or block waist with arm) to prevent him him stepping around for angle. -Free leg step around front and over the top of his head -Cover his head with your hips and even more pressure with your far hip. -Grab far hamstring for a hold and continue circling away from trapped leg all the way behind him for the score. If he steps up to post his far leg... -keep whizzer/waist block -Grab post leg at the knee -Pull it and block waist hard to rack him down to hip that is away from his post leg. -Once he's on his hip, circle away from trapped leg like before (lift elbow if necessary) and score. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video at the top of this post will make it more clear. Enjoy!
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