Pre-Season Wrestling Training Plan 2018-19
-Are you drilling your favorite set-ups, take-downs, escapes and rides? -Can you do 100 Push-Ups in less than 60 seconds? 30 Pull-Ups in a row? -Can you run 1 mile in less than 6 minutes? "600" Workout in less than 15 min? -Get on the CLEAN UP CLUB and Super 7 Club! -How is your flexibility? Are you stretching out every day? Tues September 4 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. *If you miss a.m. workout, strength train on your own today. Wed September 5 PRE-SEASON MEETING - 3 p.m. Lang’s classroom Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Thurs September 6 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Open mat today 3:15-4 p.m. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Monday September 10 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tuesday September 11 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Wed September 12 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. HOMECOMING PARADE 7 p.m. Thurs September 13 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Open Mat 4-5pm - “600” for Strength Training afterwards Mon Sept 17 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tues Sept 18 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Wed Sept 19 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Thurs Sept 20 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Open Mat 3:15-4 p.m. Weights after if a coach is available Sat Sept 22 Swiss Days 5K - Wrestlers encouraged to enter & race. Mon Sept 24 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tues Sept 25 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Wed Sept 26 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Thurs Sept 27 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Open Mat 4-5 p.m. Weights after if a coach is available Mon Oct 1 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tues Oct 2 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Wed Oct 3 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Thurs Oct 4 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes. Open Mat 3:15-4 p.m. Weights after if a coach is available Season Officially begins 1 month from today! Time to Step it Up a Level! Fri October 5 Sometime today on your own: Complete the “600” Workout. Sat October 6 On your own: Light jogging for 10-15 min. Jump rope 5 min. Mon October 8 Sometime today on your own: Jog 2 miles Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tues October 9 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. If you cannot make am session - hard hand fight/pummel 15 minutes sometime during the day. Wed October 10 Sometime today on your own: Run 20 minutes Open Mat 3:15-4pm - Hard Drilling 15 minutes, flow 15 Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Thurs October 11 Off day (No school - 1st day of Fall Break) Fri October 12 Sometime today on your own: Max push ups 1 minute. Max Prison Squats 1 minute. Max sit ups 1 minute, then 10x 100-yard sprints. Hard hand fighting or Pummeling 15 minutes. Sat October 13 Sometime today on your own: Jog 3 miles Mon October 15 On your own: Run 1 mile max effort, then jog 1 mile Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Tues October 16 Morning: 5:30 a.m. Drilling 30 minutes, weights 30 minutes Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. On your own: Run 30 min (begin slow then increase pace) Wed October 17 Sometime today on your own: 10 minutes hand fight/pummel Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own then run 20 minutes on your own after. Thurs October 18 On your own: Run 1 mile max effort, then jog 1 mile Open Mat 3:15-4pm - 20-30 minutes of live wrestling Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own. Fri October 19 Sometime today on your own: Run hills 20 minutes Sat October 20 Sometime today on your own: Light running for 10 minutes for warm-up, then “600” workout October 22-Nov 4 - UHSAA 2 Weeks Prior Rules Enforced (No coaching, just supervision. Weights ok, conditioning ok, & sport specific drills ok) Mon October 22 Sometime today on your own: Run 10x 100-yard sprints, 6x 50-yard sprints, 1 set of max push-ups and sit-ups Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Tues October 23 Today on your own: 30-40 minutes of running Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Wed October 24 Sometime today on your own: 20 minutes alternating between running (jogging and sprinting) Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Thurs October 25 Open Mat 4 p.m. Wrestle 3 sets of 6 minutes hard drilling with partner. Then weights, then 30 minutes of jogging. ***PARENT MEETING TONIGHT AT 7PM in room #301*** Fri October 26 Sometime today on your own: 6 minutes hard hand fighting. 2 x 2 minutes pummeling. Run 20 minutes, then jump rope 200 reps. Sat October 27 Sometime today on your own: Run stairs for 10 minutes, then 10 x 50 yard sprints. Mon October 29 Mon or Tues: Attempt Super 7 or run 2 miles max effort Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Tues October 30 Mon or Tues: Attempt Super 7 or run 2 miles max effort Open Mat 3:30pm Hard Drilling for 30 minutes. Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Thurs Nov 1 Open Mat 3:30pm Light drilling for 20 minutes Weights at 4 p.m. with a coach or somewhere on your own Saturday Nov 3 On your own: Light jogging at some point during the day -Monday November 5 - First Day of Practice!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp 2018 - Session Four with Ethen Lofthouse (Claw Tilt Series and a Safer way to Leg Ride)...
(These notes will make more sense if you watch the video first, or were actually at the camp) Afternoon Session on Tuesday June 13, 2018 1:30-4:30 p.m. Warm up with jogging, tumbling, dynamic stretching, etc... Practice stopping bottom wrestler's explosive first move. Bottom guy explode on 3rd tap while top man just stop the 1st move for now. Use a Tightwaist and Ankle, Double Thigh Pry, Claw Spiral, or a Chop. Claw Tilt (as demonstrated in video) Claw Tightwaist Roll Through Tilt (see video) Spiral Claw to Boot-In Breakdown (Leg Riding)... Figure 4 your leg, hip in, kick stand your boot in side knee (boot in leg up as high toward groin as possible). -Shallow boot in and grab far ankle and lift. Other hand forearm on neck and hook chest as you hip in to break flat. -Leg Ride Turk -Leg Ride Power Half -Leg Ride to secure Arm Bar to Steiner Tilt then Jacob's Hook. Or go Arm Bar Tilt to Arm Bar and Half for the Fall. UVU Wrestling Camp 2018 - Session Three with Erkin Tadzhimetov - Underhook Series Continued8/2/2018 Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp 2018 - Session Three with Erkin Tadzhimetov (Underhook Series Continued)...
(These notes will make more sense if you watch the video first, or were actually at the camp) Morning Session on Monday June 12, 2018 Warm up with jogging, tumbling, dynamic stretching, etc... Drill review of moves learned from last session. Underhook Series Continued... -Underhook, good head position, pressure in, when he matches, snap him to his knees. Keep elbows in tight. Keep heavy pressure into him, yet, keep your feet back. *Keep elbows tight! Don't reach with collar tie hand. Snap comes from Underhook hand. Collar tie hand helps cover his head tight under your chest. -Underhook Snap Down to Backhand Go-Behind. Secure hamstring or ankle. Keep heavy pressure as you circle behind. *Don't jump and spin. It makes you too light and he can recover and scramble away. -Now from from headlock on knees with his head planted on mat, slide your chin hand back to grip his neck muscle (Sternocleidomastoid - look it up if you don't know what muscle this is) and have your forearm slide over the top of his head. Pressure down and keep his head planted as you circle. -If opponent reaches up to block your Go-behind... Torture position to Head-in-the-Hole position. Finish with tight pressure and drive in hard and circle for your Go-behind, or lock up the Near Side Cradle for the finish. Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp 2018 - Session Two with Erkin Tadzhimetov...
(These notes will make more sense if you watch the video first, or were actually at the camp) 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday June 11, 2018 Warm up with jogging, tumbling, dynamic stretching, etc... -Dig an Underhook, get head position, cup his shoulder, keep underhook high and move him. You can use a head pound to dig your underhook, or get wrist control and climb up to underhook. -Underhook Throw-by -Underhook to near side Sweep Single or just stay on your feet for the Snatch Single. *If you sweep, get your knee behind his foot. -Underhook to High C - Big pull or Pop and Penetrate. -Pinch Headlock - Underhook and Collar tie (with good head position), lock hands, step between his legs with your underhook side leg, pinch his head in tight into your chest, keep your elbows in tight, throw him down to his back. Take short choppy steps as you circle to finish the move if he circles away. Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp 2018 - Session One with Luke Lofthouse...
(These notes will make more sense if you watch the video first, or were actually at the camp) 2 p.m. Monday June 11, 2018 After dynamic stretching/tumbling/warm up... Focus on feet, hands, movement, ties, handfighting. *MOVEMENT! Always be moving your position. -Break your non-productive habits. -What is your best position where you are most likely to score? Maintain that position as you move. *Most important aspect of set-up is moving your feet! -Speed Pummel with feet moving (your underhook side foot steps up each time as you switch). -Now be more forceful with your hands and arms as you pull the Underhook side across as you pummel. -Dig Pummel - Squeeze harder - More effort! Over/Under and push - Lower your hips and push. Move your opponent! -Next, one partner push, the other give a little ground. HUSTLE = Effort + Attitude Good stance position is very similar in any sport. This time... maintain balance and stance as you push. -Drive off your back foot and transition with front (small steps). -Now push until you feel matching pressure then drop step and release. -Now from Over/Under position, pressure in until you feel matching pressure, then push down on partner's overhook side elbow with both hands as you release. Pull that arm down and guide it away as you circle to get the angle. -Now partner on knees leaning in (see minute 19:26 of video). Offensive wrestler push in and dig inside control and drive with forearm of collar tie hand. Once pressure is matched, snap down and score. Repeat with inside control on other side. Work both sides. Remember to get the angle as you circle. -Same drill from feet. *Key to wrestling = Movement + Pressure -Now pressure and when partner matches pressure, release your pressure as you Snap with inside tie and hit your leg attacks. |
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