How do you celebrate the career of a Warrior? How do you honor the blood, sweat and tears dripped on a wrestling mat day after day, week after week and even year after year? What's the best way to pay respect to the suffering and dedication that it takes to be a Snow Canyon Warrior Wrestler? For the Warrior, the answer is easy. We do what we do: WRESTLE.
Please join us on Thursday, January 30, for Senior Night. We'll be bidding farewell to our senior class. Tony Cox, Daxton Edwards, Bryan Fossett, Brandon Grisenti, Hunter Harris, Leif Peterson, Jonathon Reza, Matt Rodgers, Tavin Shurtliff, Kaden White, Dax Wood and Ricardo Villegas, each of you have left an indelible mark on the Warrior Family. Thank you for your sacrifice, your example and your leadership. To the Warrior Nation, let's send them out in style. Thursday, January 30 4:00 PM - Weigh-ins (Growth Allowance - 108, 115) 5:30 PM - JV and Extras 7:00 PM - Varsity If you have ever been a Snow Canyon Warrior Wrestler, we extend a special invitation to come and be part of the Warrior's Circle. We'll have you stand around the outside of the circle on the mat while the seniors are introduced with their parents. Once everyone has been recognized, we'll ask the parents to sit and then ALL the Warriors will converge on the center of the mat to give a yell. Then stick around and see what we can do against Pine View. It's going to be a great night.
We love the Enterprise Invitational. It's one of our last chances to tool up for Regionals and get some end of the season wins from some great competition to boost confidence and pick up some momentum for the post-season. We want to invite the Warrior Nation to make the short trip to Enterprise to watch the fun. Friday, January 24 8:00 AM Home weigh-ins (Growth Allowance Plus 2 - 110, 117, etc.) 11:30 AM - Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 2:00 PM - Coaches Meeting 3:00 PM - Wrestling beings Saturday, January 25 TBA: Weigh-Ins (Growth Allowance Plus 2 - 110, 117, etc.) 7:00 AM- Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 9:00 AM - Wrestling beings We're excited to face off with the new kids on the block on Thursday. We hope the Warrior Nation will feel free to join us at their brand new high school at 4430 South Crimson Cliffs Way, Washington, Utah 84780
Remember the Canyon View Dual on Thursday. For details click here.
The Rockwell Rumble is not a tournament for the faint of heart. It is well known to be one of the toughest tournaments in the entire NATION. It's tough enough that it's not for everyone. A select group of Warriors will make the trip to Farmington, Utah, at the Legacy Events Center to face off with some of the best around. Thursday, January 16 8:30 PM (After the Canyon View Dual) - Bus will leave Canyon View High School Friday, January 17 Weigh-in: 9:00 AM (By team- Teams will be assigned a weigh-in number)(Growth Allowance Plus 2 - 110, 117) Round 1 (Championship Round of 128, 64, 32 and Consolation Round 1 & 2 for 98, 106, 170-285): 11:00- 1:30 (14 mats) Round 2 (Championship Round of 128, 64, 32 and Consolation Round 1 & 2 for 113-160): 1:30-5:00 (14 mats) Round 3 (Champ Round of 16 (all weights) and Consolation (all weights)): 5:30-7:30 (14 mats) Round 4 (Consolation (all weights)): 7:30-8:30 (14 mats). Saturday, January 19 Times listed are approximate time rounds will start and end with the exception of Rounds 5, 7 and Finals which will start at the scheduled time. The tournament will take a break after Round 6 to allow tournament workers, officials and event staff appropriate rest time if the tournament is running ahead of schedule. We will start Round 7 at 1:30. The final round will start at 5:30. Weigh-in: 9:00 AM (By team- Teams will be assigned a weigh-in number)(Growth Allowance Plus 2 - 110, 117) Round 5 (Championship Round of 8 and Consolation): 10:00- 11:00 (8 mats) Round 6 (Consolation): 12:00- 12:30 (8 mats) Round 7 (Semifinals and Consolation): 1:30-3:30 (4 mats) Round 8 (Consolation Semifinals & 7th Place): 3:30-4:30 (4 mats) Finals (1st, 3rd 5th place matches): 5:30-7:30 (3 mats) Medals for Places 1-8th Place Second Chance Wrestlers- Second Chance is an opportunity for wrestlers beat out of the main event on Friday the opportunity to get matches on Saturday. Second Chance wrestlers will weigh-in on Saturday morning after the weigh-ins for the main event (Apx. 9:30). Wrestlers will not be placed in weight classes. Wrestlers will be matched based on weight on Saturday morning. If you are beat out of the event on Friday you need to sign up for matches on Saturday. We will put all wrestlers that sign up in a que and give you as many matches as time will allow. On Thursday, we're going to head up to Iron County for one of the most highly anticipated duals of the season. The Falcons have been a rough opponent in the past, but we're firing on all cylinders and we're ready to take it to them. We hope the Warrior Nation will follow us to Canyon View High School to cheer on the Warriors. Thursday, January 16 2:30 PM - Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 4:00 PM - Weigh-ins (Growth Allowance - 108, 115) 5:30 PM - JV and Extras 7:00 PM - Varsity We're facing off with Cedar on Thursday, January 9. Get all those details here. On Friday and Saturday we're heading to Pine View High School for their invitational. It's a double elimination tournament with teams coming from several neighboring states. This is a new one for us this year and we're excited to see how it goes. Friday, January 10 12:50 PM - Wrestlers excused from class to prepare to load bus 1:15 PM - Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 2:00 PM - Weigh-Ins (Growth Allowance plus 1 - 109, 116, etc.) 4:15 PM - Coach's Meeting 4:30 PM - Wrestling Begins Saturday, January 11 7:00 AM - Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 7:30 AM - Weigh Ins (Growth Allowance plus 2 - 110, 117, etc.) 9:00 AM - Wrestling Begins ADMISSION: Adults & students without activity card ..........$7.00 Student with activity card..................................$5.00 Children under six ...............................................FREE A few other helpful items. We will wrestle two rounds of championship and one consolation on Friday night, on seven mats. The remaining rounds will be wrestled on Saturday on seven mats. For the finals we will wrestle 1st through 6th place championship matches. We will not take a break for the finals. A concession stand will be available to the public Friday and Saturday. There will be a hard luck tournament for wrestlers eliminated on Friday. We're well into the back half of the season and ready for another Region 9 dual. This Thursday, January 9, we'll welcome the Red's from Cedar City to the Jungle at Snow Canyon High School and see how we match up weight by weight. We've made it through the holiday and are working a few of the kinks out this week in the room. We're up for the challenge and invite the Warrior Nation to join us for the victory. Thursday, January 9 4:00 PM - Weigh-Ins (Growth Allowance - 108, 115, etc.) 5:30 PM - JV / Extras 7:00 PM - Varsity Fresh off the holiday break, we're anxious to get back on the mat this weekend. And the Milford Invitational is a good place to get back in the groove. We'd love to have as many of the Warrior Nation join us as are able. Saturday, January 4 5:45 AM - Bus leaves Snow Canyon High School (DO NOT BE LATE) 8:00 AM - Weigh Ins - Growth Allowance Plus 1 (109, 116, etc.) 8:45 MC - Coach's Meeting 10:00 AM - Wrestling begins |
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SC Warrior Wrestling Team Mission Statement
January 2025