Session VIII was live wrestling matches, so no Session VIII notes here.
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session IX Thursday June 9, 2016 9 a.m. - Session IX - Clinician Jade Rauser (Jade was a 4X State Champion while in high school in Montana where he never lost a single match. He was an All-American at UVU this season). Warm up & Dynamic Stretching -Review "Iron Man" Power Switch Jade's Standup Granby Quick Flip -If opponent releases you and floats and follows, chain wrestle to a standup. -If he flips with you, catch him in the Petersen Finish. Defend the lift return -Post your near side hand to Block his near thigh -Lift knees high and Hands ready (like a cat ready to land on its feet) -Land in a good position and immediately scramble up. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video at the top of this post will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session VII
Wednesday June 8, 2016 1 p.m. - Session VII - Clinician Luke Lofthouse (3x Utah Wrestling State Champion at Mountain Crest. Spent 3 years as the strength and conditioning coach at the University of Iowa and was also an All American for the Hawkeyes in 2011). Warm up & Dynamic Stretching -Stance & Motion- Build up in several sets to max effort with coach shouting instructions. -Bottom -Just Movin' (Shadow Wrestling from Bottom) -Fast-intense-knee slides-hip heists-changeovers-switches-crawl-*keep hips under you-repeat-repeat-mix it up-NEVER STOP MOVING! -#1 Advice for Bottom... MOVE! -Hips under chin -If Hands touch mat, only for fraction of a second, then KEEP MOVING! -Create space - Move! Inside or Outside Leg Standup -For an Inside Leg Standup... first motion is to place outside knee to replace inside hand, then step up with inside leg to a good Power Position with back pressure. -"Iron Man" position... elbows in, hands down and out with palms facing down (Like when "Iron Man" was first learning to fly), stay solid and in control. *From that position... be ready to constantly MOVE! When ready... stay in same position, come up to feet by stepping back into opponent, stay in attack stance postion, keep feet moving and angle to the corner for escape and transition into takedown attack. -Either off the whistle or when opponent returns you to the mat from "Iron Man" position... Reverse Smash & continue changing over to knee slide and step up to "Iron Man" position with your outside leg. *Key to this... Elbow off and pivot up (not a step up)-post far hand on mat, drive hips back and step feet back as you change-over. Bottom hip/knee slide in and up and other foot steps up to "Iron Man". *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video at the top of this post will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session VI
Wednesday June 8, 2016 9 a.m. - Session VI - Clinician Ethen Lofthouse (Ethen is in his 2nd year as an assistant at UVU. Previously was a 4X Utah State Champion and won multiple national titles during his prep career. A four year national qualifier for the University of Iowa, Ethen was a 2 x All American for the Hawkeyes). *If you are wondering where the notes for Session V are, it was strictly Live Wrestling with full matches and I did not take notes. Warm up - Drill - Review -Take down and continue to drive in hard, transitioning immediately to breakdowns and turns (no pause) Ethen's Top Riding -Get his and your weight up on his hands -Pressure forward -Spiral forward to chop *Variation... Start on right, Far Ankle and Tightwaist, Dig Tightwaist as deep as possible and switch sides to chop and realease Tightwaist to collect the Cross Wrist Crosswrist Turk -If he's basing up, block the far knee and drive forward -Shoulder pressure tight into him -Grab Turk-leg right at the knee -Pull and drive up toward his head and step back (high leg steps over top) -Shelf his leg and then step and scoop for the Turk -Keep hips tight -Elevate Turk Leg -Do not walk toward his head -Use his leg and hip-in to turn his hips and his upper body will follow. -Release Crosswrist and scoop his head -Your Turk Leg never touches the ground -Other leg drives in with constant pressure -Control head (lift if needed) and finish for the fall. Claw Lift Return to Turk -From Top Referee position and deep Claw, angle to the side as he stands up. -Free hand secures his leg (elbow deep up as high as possible to control his hips) -Lift by extending your legs and back as you drive your hips in -Pull Claw hand down and Lift his leg to corkscrew him down and control him all the way to put him on his back. Returning Opponent to the Mat -Pursue his hips (no space) -If lock breaks, hold his hips with each hand -Relock, run to the side, hips in tight -Pop him up -Move your feet forward -Turn him in the air -Drop his hips straight into mat, plant them there (his hips, not shoulder or head) -Do Not let him "Float Down" Variation if you can't lift him... -Pursue hips -Shift hands/lock to opposite side -Drop front forearm over his anterior thigh -Front leg does the same -Sag *If you feel he might Granby... -Crash the far hip or release and pursue and recapture Situation Drills (live) - from technique and positions covered in this session. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, video at the top will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session IV
Tuesday June 7, 2016 1 p.m. - Session IV - Clinician Jade Rauser (Jade was a 4X State Champion while in high school in Montana where he never lost a single match. He was an All-American at UVU this season). -Warm up Arm Bars -Not too deep of an Arm Bar -Make a fist in opponent's back -Shelf opponents forearm on your far-side hip -Bury your fist in his back while pulling back on trapped arm -Walk his shoulder to his ear -Underhook far arm -Drive it over -Circle and finish Arm Bar with a Far Side Half -He buries his trapped shoulder into mat and posts his far side arm up and out... -Throw a far side half (DO NOT Jump sides) -Stack to near side and use your knee and hips to bump his hips up for the stack Steiner Tilt -Arm bar and a Cross Wrist on his same trapped arm -Jump side and block his far hip with your far knee -Pressure in and up toward his head as you drive him up into your Tilt "Pocket". -Get your 5 count. Dive Roll Tilt with 2-on-1 -Secure the cross-wrist control -Place your elbow (non wrist controlling side) inside opponent's near thigh -Keep grip tight and no space -Dive through and catch him in your Tilt "Pocket" Dive Roll Tilt from Opponent hitting Outside Leg Standup -Secure the cross-wrist control -Free hand reaches under his far leg (the one he's standing up with) and hit the same move but keeping that leg instead of controlling his elbow. Live Situational Wrestling *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video at the top of this post will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session III
Tuesday June 7, 2016 9 a.m. - Session III - Clinician Ethen Lofthouse (Ethen is in his 2nd year as an assistant at UVU. Previously was a 4X Utah State Champion and won multiple national titles during his prep career. A four year national qualifier for the University of Iowa, Ethen was a 2 x All American for the Hawkeyes). -Warm up and Review previous sessions. Short Offense Front Headlock -Chin and pit - get with a partner and just work on moving him around to get the feel for this (circle to pit side) -Run to the Angle - Secure Hamstring - finish your takedown. -If opponent raises up to tripod position - circle towards pit side - drop chin-side knee back - put opponent's head where your knee was - Backhand Go-Behind. -When snapping... hips up and pressuring in to him - push down with straight arms to get heavy. -If you need to free your elbow... pressure on neck - short elbow over back of opponent's head and neck - pull down and in - finish the Go Behind. -This time Run the Angle then Snap to lock up the Near-Side Cradle -If opponent will not go over when attempting to drive the Near-side cradle... knee slide with your far side knee behind opponent's trapped-leg foot - Backwards Cradle. -If opponent reaches up near-side arm to block you... Cow Catcher (but do it the right way) - Underhook hand reaches all the way across the back and grab far Lat up high near pit - Underhook-side knee slides inside opponent's near thigh. Drive your Underhook-side hip into his side - Crank the head - Finish! -Misdirection (variation to the Shuck and they like this better) - Work to Run the Angle for the Backhand Go-Behind, but opponent is tough and circles with you... With your Chin-side hand, do a short T-Rex Arms Overhook on far side pit (float position) - Complete an Opposite Side Backhand Go-Behind for 2 points. Countering the Front Headlock while on your Hands and Knees -Keep head up and in middle of his chest. -Pressure up and in -Stay off of your haunches -Move with him and stay tough and in good position -When ready to make your move, Circle hard to chin-side (think about which of his arms is touching your neck, that's the side you circle towards). -Once his weight comes off from circling toward his Chin hand - Reach up to grab his elbow and Step your foot up on that side and continue to circle up to your feet. -Finish in the 2-on-1 on feet and immediately transition into your attack! *If his hands are locked tight once you are on your feet, keep his elbow secured and post your free hand on his far hip to create space to rotate your head out. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session II
Monday June 6, 2016 - Session II - Clinician Erkin Tadzhimetov (in 8th year as a coach at UVU. While in Uzbekistan, Erkin was a 9 time National Champion and a 3x Junior World place winner. He is currently one of the National Development coaches for USA Utah Wrestling). -Warm up - Jog - Skip - Jog - High Knees - Butt Kickers - Shuffle inside - Shuffle outside - Jog - Kareoke inside then outside - Jog - 1 lap sprint - jog - 1 lap sprint - jog - hop on 1 leg 10 x's then the other - Front Rolls - Jog - 2 backwards rolls - 2 shoulder rolls each side - Cartwheels 1 each side - Frog Leaps x 5 - Penetration shots 3 each leg - Bear Crawl - Jog - Spread out... Review Stance and Motion - Coach calls out - Sprawl - Down Block - Sprawl - Sprawl - Sprawl - shot - shot- sprawl - shot - sprawl - shot - sprawl - time Front bridge 15 reps - Back bridge same - Bridge Kickovers each direction Find a partner and Review Session I with the 2-on-1 to Snatch Single with high Back Trip finish. 2-on-1 to Near Arm/Far Single (aka Outside Fireman's Carry) - Regular finish as well as Freestyle finish (turn to the hips. Takedown Tournament. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video will make it more clear. Enjoy!
Coach Lang's Notes from UVU Wrestling Camp - Session I
Monday June 6, 2016 - Session I - Clinician Luke Lofthouse (3x Utah Wrestling State Champion at Mountain Crest. Spent 3 years as the strength and conditioning coach at the University of Iowa and was also an All American for the Hawkeyes in 2011). -Warm up Stance & Motion -Stance & Motion with shots & continue Stance & Motion -Same but add Down Blocks & Sprawls -Same but this time wrestlers in active Stance & Motion and listen for coach to shout out actions and immediately hit the move and continue with Stance & Motion. Push Drill -Stay in good wrestling stance position take turns pushing opponent -Now do same but create an angle and pursue it (stay in good position) -This time angle to a 2-on-1 (baseball bat grip) - circle - drop step - drive to Single Leg Snatch with a high back trip finish. -Again, but opponent moves leg back... keep circling and continue to pursue relentlessly and out-hustle to get the Snatch. -Now from space... Attack the arm you want (same side wrist, climb up hand over hand - wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow - same pressure and angle to attack the Snatch Single with same finish. *If you were at the camp, these notes will make sense. If you were not at the camp, the video will make it more clear. Enjoy! |
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