How to Add Bar Bending Strength in 10 Weeks
10 Week Strength Workout designed by Utah’s High School Wrestling Hall of Famer, Frank Houston. This workout is designed to build strength. “If you work hard on this workout, I guarantee you will get stronger.”- Frank Houston 1. This workout is designed to build strength not bulk. 2. Aim for 6 to 8 reps on each exercise. If too easy, you need to increase the weight. 3. The bench and arm workout at the end will increase strength and bulk (If you cheat on leg workout, do not expect a lot of gains). 4. All lifts are done to FAILURE. That means the last rep should require help from a spotter. 5. Do this in groups of 2 or 3 (If your group is bigger than 3, your rest periods will be too long). 6. Arm workout at the end – 4 sets of Heavy Curls, 21’s or 20’s. 7. Bench Workout – Should be designed to increase strength. For example: 1st set 10 reps, then 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 (Going up 5 to 10 pounds on each new set). 8. Do not worry about the weight you start with. It is more important that you work hard and improve (If you work hard on this 10 week strength workout, I guarantee you will get stronger). RULE – Go As Heavy as You Can! Each week will have a specific workout, and will change each week. The workout of the week is to be done 3 times (ie, Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Finish each workout with an alternating “Chest” or “Arms” workout. Example: Week 1 – “Arms” on Monday, “Chest” on Wednesday, “Arms” on Friday Week 2 – “Chest” on Monday, “Arms” on Wednesday, “Chest” on Friday Week #1 Workout Leg Extensions Leg Curls Power Cleans Front Squat Leg Press Calf Raises Lateral Raises Overhead Press Pull Ups Lateral Pulldowns Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Tricep Extensions Bicep Curls Push Ups (Max Reps) Leg Raises Glute/Ham Raises Windshield Wipers Week #2 Workout Leg Extensions–>Leg Curl (Superset) Shoulder shrugs–>Upright Rows Power Cleans–>Front Squats–>Calf Raises Lateral Raises Overhead Press Bench Press Incline Bench Dips Tricep Extensions Bicep Curls Leg Raises Glute/Ham Raises Ab Wheely or Ab Rollers Week #3 Workout Power Cleans–>Leg Extension–>Front Squat Glute/Ham Raises–>Leg Curls–>Leg Press Upright Rows–>Bent Rows–>Overhead Press–>Pull Overs Bench Press Bicep Curls Tricep Extensions Pull Ups Dips Windshield Wipers Week #4 Workout Calf Raises–>Leg Curls–>Leg Extensions Calf Raises–>Leg Curls–>Power Cleans–>Front Squats Overhead Press–>Pull ups Bench Press Lat Pulldowns Incline Press Shoulder Shrugs Windshield Wipers Leg Raises Glute/Ham Raises Week #5 Workout Lateral Raises–>Overhead Press–>Bent Rows–>Overhead Press–>Shrugs–>Upright Rows Leg Extensions–>Leg Curls–>Hang Cleans–>Squats–>Calf Raises–>Glute/Ham Raises Bench Press Bicep Curls Tricep Extensions Windshield Wipers Leg Raises Week #6 Workout Superset following: Bent Rows Pull Overs Pull Ups (Negatives Only) Pull Downs Pull Overs Chin Ups (Negatives Only) Bent Rows Superset following: Leg Extensions Leg Curls Squats Calf Raises Glute/Ham Raises Power Cleans Superset following: Overhead Press Shrugs Bicep Curls Tricep Extensions Bench Press Ab Wheely/Ab Rollers Week #7 Workout Bench Press–>Incline Dumbbell Bench–>Dips Bench Press–>Incline Dumbbell–>Dips–>Push Ups Power Cleans–>Leg Curl–>Leg Extensions–>Front Squat Lat Pulldowns–>Bicep Curls–>Tricep Extensions–>Ab Wheely/Ab Rollers–>Leg Raises Week #8 Workout Hanging Leg Raises–>Windshield Wipers–>Crunches Pullups (Negatives only)–>Pull Overs–>Pull Ups (Negatives Only) Clean and Press Box Squats Leg Extensions–>Leg Curls–>Calf Raises Overhead Press–>Bench Press–>Bicep Curls–>Tricep Extensions–>Lat Pulldowns Trunk Curls (Bench workout on Monday & Friday, Arms on Wednesday) Week #9 Workout 60 second pull up–>Bicep Curls 60 second Dips–>Tricep Extensions Leg Extensions Leg Curls Dead Lift Box Squat Upright Rows Power Cleans Lat Pulldowns Bench Press Bench Flys Incline Press Decline Press Trunk Curls Leg Raises (Arm Workout Mon & Fri, Bench on Wed) Week #10 Workout Power Cleans Hang Cleans Dead Lifts (2 sets) Front Squat Box Squat Bench Press (3 sets) Bent Rows Upright rows Pull Ups Dips Push Ups Lat Pulldowns Trunk Curls Leg Raises (After this do 3 sets of 21’s or 20’s) “If you work hard on this workout, I guarantee you will get stronger.”- Frank Houston *Consult with your medical professional before beginning a new workout routine.
Pinning his way to the finals, then picking up a win in overtime with a final score of 10-6! Congratulations to our very own Nokoni Slivers! He is the Utah 3A 182lb Wrestling State Champion from Snow Canyon High School!
Some Dreams Still Do Come True! (Will You Be Next?) State Qualifiers 2012-2013
Congratulations to the SC Warrior Wrestlers that qualified for the state tournament this year: 113 -Kody Hafen (9th grade) 132 – DJ Whitehead (11th) 145 – Tagan Johnson (12th) 152 – Curt Wilde (12th) 170 – Kimball Leavitt (12th) 182 – Nokoni Slivers (12th) 182 – Mikey Bishop (12th) 195 – Will Rose (11th) Parents, I need your support on this. Please watch video below, then read remainder of this post. As wrestling coaches for Snow Canyon High School, our number 1 goal is to help these boys become good men. Part of accomplishing this is learning to Finish What You Start.
Life doesn’t always work out the way we had hoped it would. Sometimes we fall short of our goals and feel like giving up. We teach these boys that when you commit to something, see it through. We qualified 8 wrestlers for the state tournament this year. Congratulations to those that qualified. And thank you to the other 28 boys that are currently on our roster; because the 8 that qualified for state could not have done it without the other 28. The purpose of this post is to reach out to the 28 that have worked their hearts out, but still fell short of qualifying. Just because you will not compete this week does not mean your season is over. Finish What You Start! You might be thinking, “What does it matter? I can’t compete so I might as well go home or go to rugby, or practice baseball, soccer, hit the weights, go play video games, or enjoy the time off.” It does matter, and not just because your 8 teammates that qualified need you. You need to finish what you start for you. It is a valuable lesson that will be repeated countless times throughout your life… Life will knock you down. You will not feel like getting back up. But you will anyway. Repeat. “Success is getting up one more time than you fall down.” -Unknown Parents, please support us on this as finishing the season is part of learning to fulfill commitments. If anyone takes offense from this, please know that it was written with the best of intentions for the good of these boys that our entire coaching staff have grown to love and appreciate. It is an honor to work with your boys. Thank you, Coach Lang |
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January 2025